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how to install wordpress on laragon

To install WordPress on Laragon, download and run the Laragon installer, then use the Quick app feature to create a WordPress site. Select ‘WordPress’ from the dropdown menu, and Laragon will automatically download and configure it for you. This streamlined process has enabled countless users to establish a WordPress environment quickly, without the hassle of manual configuration or the need for extensive server knowledge. Laragon, a powerful local development platform, simplifies the setup of a personal web server, paving the way for an efficient WordPress development process. With just a few clicks, developers and content creators can jumpstart their WordPress projects, leveraging Laragon’s fast and reliable services. This facilitates rapid development and testing in a local environment that mirrors live server conditions, ensuring your site is fully prepared before going live. The ease of WordPress installation on Laragon makes it a favorite among web professionals seeking to optimize their development workflow.
how to install wordpress on laragon

Setting Up Laragon Environment

Embarking on the WordPress journey becomes a breeze with Laragon. This powerful local development environment streamlines the process. It provides a comprehensive, isolated space for WordPress development. Below, we walk through the necessary steps to get WordPress up and running using Laragon effortlessly. Download and Install Laragon

Download And Install Laragon

Laragon’s installation process is straightforward. Follow these steps:
  1. Visit Laragon’s official website at
  2. Select the Full version for a complete package or the Lite version for a basic setup.
  3. Click the Download button.
  4. Once downloaded, run the .exe file and follow the on-screen instructions.
  5. Choose your desired installation path and proceed with the installer.
  6. After installation, launch Laragon from your desktop or the Start menu.
Configure Laragon for WordPress

Configure Laragon For WordPress

Configuring Laragon for WordPress is seamless. Follow these guidelines to set up the environment:
  1. Open Laragon and click on the Menu button.
  2. Navigate to Quick app > WordPress.
  3. Enter your project’s name. Laragon automatically creates the database.
  4. Press OK and wait for Laragon to download WordPress.
  5. Laragon extracts WordPress files into a new project directory.
  6. Upon completion, your default browser will open with the WordPress setup page.
The local environment is now ready. Dive into customizing and developing your WordPress site without a hitch!
how to install wordpress on laragon

Installing WordPress

Installing WordPress just got easier with Laragon! Whether you’re new to website development or a seasoned pro, setting up WordPress on Laragon is a breeze. This modern local development environment simplifies the process, making it quick and straightforward. Let’s dive into the simple steps needed to get your WordPress site up and running on Laragon.

Download WordPress

Begin by downloading the latest version of WordPress. Here’s how:
  1. Go to
  2. Click the ‘Get WordPress’ button.
  3. Hit the ‘Download’ link for the latest version.
Once downloaded, extract the zip file. You’ll see a folder named ‘wordpress’.

Create WordPress Database

Next, set up a database for your WordPress site:
  1. Open Laragon and start your server.
  2. Click on the ‘Database’ button.
  3. In the popup, select ‘Create new’.
  4. Enter a database name and hit ‘OK’.
Your WordPress database is now ready! Note the name as you will need it later.

Install WordPress On Laragon

Time to install WordPress on Laragon:
  1. Move the extracted ‘wordpress’ folder to 'laragon/www/'.
  2. Rename the folder to match your site’s name.
  3. In Laragon, click ‘Reload’ to recognize your new project.
  4. Browse to ‘{your site’s name}.test’ in your web browser.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions for WordPress setup.
  6. Fill in the database details with the name you created earlier.
  7. Complete the WordPress installation.
Bold steps ensure you have a smooth install process. Your WordPress site should be live on your local machine now!

Configuring WordPress On Laragon

Now that WordPress is on Laragon, let’s shape it to perfection. It’s time for the fun part – configuring WordPress. Settings, themes, and plugins. All easy to choose and install on Laragon. Let’s dive in and bring your site to life.

Basic WordPress Settings

First things first, basic settings ensure your site runs smooth. Here’s a quick guide:
  • Site Title: Give your site a catchy name.
  • Tagline: Add a short and sweet description.
  • Email Address: Use an active email for admin purposes.
  • Permalinks: Set up SEO-friendly URLs.

Selecting Themes And Plugins

Themes and plugins turn your site from drab to fab. Let’s pick them well.
Themes decide your site’s look. Follow these steps to select one:
  1. Go to Appearance > Themes.
  2. Click ‘Add New’ and browse.
  3. Preview, install, and activate your choice.
Plugins add extra features. Here’s how to add them:
  1. Navigate to Plugins > Add New.
  2. Search for needed plugins.
  3. Click ‘Install Now’ then ‘Activate’.

Testing The Installation

Once WordPress is installed on Laragon, it’s important to make sure everything works fine. Testing involves checking your new site’s accessibility and functionality. This ensures a smooth start to your website building process. Let’s walk through the necessary steps.

Accessing WordPress Site

To visit your WordPress site, you need to know the right address. Start by opening your preferred web browser. Type in the local address you created for your WordPress site during the Laragon setup. Usually, it looks like http://yourproject.test. Press Enter. You should see your WordPress site’s landing page.

Checking Functionality

It’s time to verify that every WordPress feature operates correctly. Start with the basics:
  • Login to your WordPress dashboard using the admin credentials you set up.
  • Create a new post and preview it to ensure the editor works.
  • Install a plugin and activate it to check the plugin functionality.
  • Change your theme settings, then view your site to confirm the changes.
  • Check if links are clickable and lead to the correct pages.
  • Ensure that media upload functions properly by adding an image or video.
By following these tests, you will confirm that the WordPress installation on Laragon is successful and ready for use.
how to install wordpress on laragon

Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Install WordPress On Laragon

How Do I Add WordPress To Laragon?

Download WordPress and extract it into Laragon’s `www` directory. Rename the folder if desired. Open Laragon, click “Start All. ” Access your site in a web browser to run the WordPress installation.

How Do I Download WordPress On Ubuntu?

Open your terminal and update your package lists: `sudo apt update`. Next, install WordPress by typing: `sudo apt install wordpress`. Follow any on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

How Do I Install WordPress Installation?

To install WordPress, first, download it from WordPress. org. Next, upload it to your web host and create a MySQL database and user. Then, configure wp-config. php with your database details. Finally, complete the installation by running the WordPress installation script.

How Do I Install WordPress On A Local Machine?

Download and install a local server solution like XAMPP or MAMP. Run the server and create a new database through phpMyAdmin. Download the latest WordPress version from WordPress. org. Extract the files into your local server’s designated folder. Access the setup via your browser and follow the installation instructions.


Installing WordPress on Laragon needn’t be daunting. With this guide, you’re equipped to get started. Remember, Laragon streamlines the process, making it user-friendly. Embrace the ease of local development and experiment without server constraints. Your WordPress journey begins here—happy developing!

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